Thursday, January 21, 2016

His Mercies Are New Every Morning...

While driving my sweet boys to school the other morning, I could barely see what was in front of me.  The absolutely breathtaking sun...with all it's glory...was so bright.  As I was stopped at the light, I sneaked a quick picture of my view of the sunrise.....and all that came to mind was "His mercies are new every morning"..... And, praise Jesus, I believe that is true.

Grace.  And a lot of what I need.  Daily.

I'm far from perfect.  I often think of areas I need to improve on.  How I could spend more time with God... reading and praying.  Doing more...Serving more. How I shouldn't have made this decision or that.  Guilt, shame and unworthiness cloud my vision.

But, God is good.....He is gracious.....He loves us unconditionally and He forgives us completely.

Whoever reads this, please know God is LOVE.  God sees the deep down dirty in us all...yet loves us deeper than anyone else ever could.  God gave His ONLY son to die for our sins, so that no matter the sin, we could be forgiven.  We are covered by his grace.

Just because you may have a "past"....just because you may have given up.... gone astray, made mistakes (let's face it, who hasn't?).... It's not too late.  Don't allow guilt or shame to hold you back....  and keep you buried....  As long as you are alive and's NEVER too late to turn to God.  Don't allow yourself to believe you are too far for God to use you....for God to carry out His plans for your life..... God is BIGGER and BETTER than any past failure or mistake we have ever made.  God sees far beyond anything we've ever done....because He holds the plans to our futures. He is all knowing.

God called countless people in the Bible to do great and mighty works regardless of their weaknesses, failures and pasts....  In Genesis, we see how closely Abraham walked with God....yet he tried to carry out God's promise in his own sleeping with another woman.   Abraham (Abram-Genesis 16) made mistakes.....yet  God USED Abraham in a mighty way.  God kept His promise to Abraham....GOD IS GOOD.

David..... A man after God's heart...made mistakes---even deadly ones. (2 Samuel 11....)

Saul....A man who persecuted the church......God TRANSFORMED HIM ...God USED him (Acts 9: 1-19).


If you're questioning whether you are worthy of His love and forgiveness assured, that's what God longs for.... He created you....and He longs for your love!

It's not too late to reach for Him....and to be ALL that HE has created you to be......


 " all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our LORD." Romans 8:37

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Shoe Shopping.....

It's been a while. A long while.  And a lot has happened.

Needless to say, my focus on health... and on myself... has been long lost and pushed to the side. 

This....happens....a lot.  As a wife and a mom.... we tend to put those around us first. Also, with the ups and downs of life.... there are times where what we put in our mouths just doesn't seem to matter at that moment.  But those moments add up...and eventually lead to the exact place I'm at right now.  

And in that place, I find myself... once again asking:

 "Where in the world do I start?" 
 "What in the world should I do?"
 "How in the world am I going to do it?"
(and, last but not least)
 "How did I let myself get back to this place?"  ***SEE ABOVE*** Because, deep down I know the answer to this one.

It's a never ending cycle for me.  I get fed up, decide on a plan, stick to the plan long enough to see results and then I feel happy. Then I STOP.  And find myself right back at the beginning.  Second cycle begins.

What I'd like to do is find something that works for me, helps me feel my best, helps me see results..... something I can stick to on a daily basis.  Not just for days, weeks or months at a time.

I've back tracked a bit. And I've tried EVERYTHING you can imagine over the years... from OTC/prescribed diet pills (so unhealthy AKA terrible decision).... to Adkins....Weightwatchers to South Beach....Eat to Live to FORKS OVER KNIVES.  I've read several books.... many blogs....and I have great friends who have tried one thing or another and seen amazing results. But as of now, I am searching for what is right for me.  

I tend to waver..... so unsteady.  I hear about one and feel encouraged.  Then I hear about another and decide that one sounds better.  I'm not ready to commit, because I'm still uncertain of what to commit to.  So, I'm going to continue looking into a few things and then make a decision.   I'm not perfect, (DUH), so will I make the right decision??  Though I hope that's the case, I just don't know.  I suppose it's like looking for that specific shoe to match that one outfit.... the right fit, the right price, the comfort level...all these things to take into consideration...  When I shop for shoes, I rarely walk out with the first pair I tried on..... I will take this day by day.... (shoe by shoe)... So for now this is "to be continued."  

Until that decision is made, my goal is to take it one meal at a time.... one day at a healthy decision at a time.  Focus on healthy choices....and adjust back to limiting myself just a bit.  If I jump in head first and it's not something I'm ready to commit to, I know I will end up doing well for a few days and then hating myself when I fail or quit. I need a lifestyle change, not a diet.  

This is the ONE THING I know for sure.

I need a safe place to write, take notes, get feedback, share and receive tips.... Maybe this will be a great place to start.  I know it's easier when you have support and encouragement from all sides.......... I also know several of you have some amazing tips and recipes.... I don't think it all matters that we commit to the same plan and walk the exact same path.  What matters, in my opinion, is that we help each achieve success and offer support when we can.....when others need it most.  It's definitely helpful to know you aren't alone on this journey where you are seeking your best, most healthy and happy self.  We all share the same goal. Why not help each other on the way?