Thursday, January 21, 2016

His Mercies Are New Every Morning...

While driving my sweet boys to school the other morning, I could barely see what was in front of me.  The absolutely breathtaking sun...with all it's glory...was so bright.  As I was stopped at the light, I sneaked a quick picture of my view of the sunrise.....and all that came to mind was "His mercies are new every morning"..... And, praise Jesus, I believe that is true.

Grace.  And a lot of what I need.  Daily.

I'm far from perfect.  I often think of areas I need to improve on.  How I could spend more time with God... reading and praying.  Doing more...Serving more. How I shouldn't have made this decision or that.  Guilt, shame and unworthiness cloud my vision.

But, God is good.....He is gracious.....He loves us unconditionally and He forgives us completely.

Whoever reads this, please know God is LOVE.  God sees the deep down dirty in us all...yet loves us deeper than anyone else ever could.  God gave His ONLY son to die for our sins, so that no matter the sin, we could be forgiven.  We are covered by his grace.

Just because you may have a "past"....just because you may have given up.... gone astray, made mistakes (let's face it, who hasn't?).... It's not too late.  Don't allow guilt or shame to hold you back....  and keep you buried....  As long as you are alive and's NEVER too late to turn to God.  Don't allow yourself to believe you are too far for God to use you....for God to carry out His plans for your life..... God is BIGGER and BETTER than any past failure or mistake we have ever made.  God sees far beyond anything we've ever done....because He holds the plans to our futures. He is all knowing.

God called countless people in the Bible to do great and mighty works regardless of their weaknesses, failures and pasts....  In Genesis, we see how closely Abraham walked with God....yet he tried to carry out God's promise in his own sleeping with another woman.   Abraham (Abram-Genesis 16) made mistakes.....yet  God USED Abraham in a mighty way.  God kept His promise to Abraham....GOD IS GOOD.

David..... A man after God's heart...made mistakes---even deadly ones. (2 Samuel 11....)

Saul....A man who persecuted the church......God TRANSFORMED HIM ...God USED him (Acts 9: 1-19).


If you're questioning whether you are worthy of His love and forgiveness assured, that's what God longs for.... He created you....and He longs for your love!

It's not too late to reach for Him....and to be ALL that HE has created you to be......


 " all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our LORD." Romans 8:37

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